Filled under: Book festivals, Events, Monsters (defeating!), Novels, Spellchasers trilogy, trilogy, Writing | | Trackback
There are so many exciting things about being a writer:
- Having the initial idea
- Writing the first line and the first scene
- Meeting and getting to know your characters
- When your characters come to life and do something unexpected
- Writing shocking / surprising / challenging scenes
- Working out how to get your characters out of a trap
- Working out how to defeat the baddie
- Getting to the end
- Going back and slashing out lots of words to find the story inside the clutter
- Getting first reactions from early readers…
All of those are fab. And all of them are why I do this job.
But after all the excitement of writing a story, there’s a different sort of excitement. The moment a story becomes a book.
And here it is! Here is The Beginner’s Guide to Curses as an actual book!
I’ve held it. I’ve cuddled it. I’ve flicked through it to double-check a line that I needed to be sure of in order to get a scene right in the next book. I’ve read the first page out loud to kids in a bookshop.
So, it’s definitely a real book.
And I’ll be reading from it, chatting about it and signing it at the Edinburgh Book Festival on the 13th of August, if you want to come along.
Then after that, wherever you are, you should be able to get hold of a copy of your own! (Or if you are very keen, you can pre-order it…)
Because of course the entire point of a story becoming a book is so that other people can read it!
And now – even more excitement. (Because being a writer is ALL about the excitement.) I can now also show you the covers for the other two books in the trilogy:

What do you think? I particularly like the looming baddies at the top of each book, and I love the fact that Molly and her friends are having to run faster every time to get away! (The artwork is by the brilliant Jordi Solano)
Now I’m off to put the finishing touches to The Shapeshifter’s Guide to Running Away, then cut a few thousand words out of The Witch’s Guide to Magical Combat, to get those stories ready to become lovely shiny books next spring and next autumn.
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